Thursday, December 08, 2005

Painting my house.. Yellow, green, blue, red...

First things first, the title should have been "our" and not "my".. Apologies, max!!

Spent the whole of today afternoon wasting company bandwidth and resource in doing exactly what the title says..trying to decide colors for our flat.

Wanted to post a pic of it - a raw structure of bricks, mortar, cement and paint, as it looked the first time we saw it. But due to lack of space in a 16MB memory stick, i am unable to do so. Hopefully, by God's grace, i'll be able to post a pic of the flat, when it is no longer just a flat but a dear lil home!!


The Lost Wanderer said...

i have nothing to say to u...

max, how are YOU feeling ? gettin ready to pass out ? :D

and yeah.. upload the snaps of the flat somewhere...

Dr Roshan Radhakrishnan said...

weird coincidence. was just checking your blog when my mother calls to tell me that you 2 lovebirds were home to invite them for the wedding..

Anonymous said...

Max .. I have nothing more to say .."Men are either married or happy !!"..

just kiddin .. guys do post the snaps of your so proposed flat ..sweet home ..whatever :)

-- A happy Guy --

sumz said...

May i know who the " Happy Guy" is??

Anonymous said...

brrr... thanx for all the encouragement fellas!!

Anonymous said...

Home is wer the heart is.
Da way to a guyz heart is through his stomach.

..and the silly gal wastes time dabbing paint on ze flat.

Certified Unromantic!!! :P

neha vish said...

Omg! :)

sumz said...

yogi.. thanx for certification :)